Collection: What is Specialty Grade Coffee?

We are proud to be classified as a Specialty Grade Coffee company!!

The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is an organization that establishes coffee industry standards. Specialty coffee is a term to describe high quality coffee that has received a score of over 8o points on a scale of 100.  Only 6% of coffee receives this Points are awarded based on:

*Ethical Sourcing with direct or fair trade

*High Quality Beans

*Origins of beans including altitude, climates, and soil types while highlighting specific farm locations

*Unique Flavor Profiles including flavor, aroma, acidity, aftertaste, balance, and body


*Roasting Techniques

*Brewing Methods

*Exploration of new Varieties, processing methods, and techniques


Specialty coffee is not mass produced.  Specialty coffee is roasted in small batches resulting in the best coffee quality.

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